Now a Part of Connect Speech Therapy
Provide them access to evidence-based, cost effective, live video
that is a GOLD STANDARD in swallowing diagnostics.
Your patients deserve better. Better than "best guess" swallowing treatment. SLPs don't have x-ray vision, and can't treat what they can't see. Research shows that bedside swallow evaluations have a 70% error rate, leading on the one hand to overly restrictive diet recommendations, or on the other, missing silent aspiration altogether. This can have serious health effects for your patients; from dehydration as a result of inappropriate use of thickened liquids, to PEG tube placement, or even recurrent hospitalizations for aspiration pneumonia.
But there's no need to guess! We have the tools to actually see with high definition video what is going on in a patient's swallow and target treatment to their specific needs. We can help you cut down on costs of treating recurrent aspiration pneumonia. We can improve quality of life. We can help get patients off expensive thickened liquids and feeding tubes sooner, and back to eating and drinking again.
Wyoming Dysphagia Diagnostics specializes in assessing swallowing disorders using FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing). FEES is a safe, cost-saving, evidence-based alternative to the traditional MBS. For over 30 years, this procedure has become a GOLD STANDARD diagnostic procedure.
We are passionate about bringing this service directly to your facility in Wyoming and Montana. You shouldn't have to live in a big city or pay thousands of dollars to have access to the highest level of care. It's simple - better care doesn't have to be complicated.
We are now proudly owned and operated by Connect Speech Therapy!
Wyoming's Mobile Swallow Study
Service Provider

Why Wyoming Dysphagia Diagnostics through "Connect Speech Therapy"?

We bring Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), a lower cost alternative to MBS, directly to your facility and assess patient's directly at the bedside.
FEES is typically 1/4 of the price of MBS because we don't require a radiologist, barium, or use of hospital equipment!
Because we are mobile, we come directly to your facility, saving on patient transportation costs.
The cost of keeping nursing facility residents on thickened liquids can be $2,000-$7,000 per year. Tube-feeding management can cost a facility as much as $31,000 a year! FEES can help get patients onto regular diets sooner than bedside assessments alone.
Facility costs of treating aspiration pneumonia range between 15-40K! Silent aspiration cannot be visualized with a clinical swallow evaluation. FEES allows us to see silent aspiration with a high-definition color image.
Wyoming Dysphagia Diagnostics brings our equipment directly to your facility - no need for patient transportation.
Short wait times - we typically offer assessment 1-2 business days after requested, compared to up to 8 days (often with limited availability) for MBS.
Immediate results - a detailed report, including color images and recommendations is provided on-site following the procedure.
No lost therapy minutes - Your facility's SLP can bill for treatment during the study, so there will be no lost therapy minutes!
With WDD, you have free access to in-services and staff presentations on a variety of topics.
Gold Standard of Patient Care
Bedside swallow evaluations have been shown to have a 70% error rate, where diet recommendations are either too restrictive or silent aspiration is missed altogether.
Using FEES can help decrease incidents of aspiration pneumonia, which is a leading cause of death of skilled nursing facility patients.
Being able to visualize aspiration can help SLPs select strategies they know will be effective for that patient.
FEES gives SLPs the confidence to proscribe the correct diet to medically fragile and NPO patients.
FEES is more sensitive than MBS at identifying penetration, aspiration, spilliage, and residue.
Best Clinical Outcomes
Aspiration pneumonia is the fifth largest reason for hospital re-admissions! FEES is able to visualize aspiration and see which strategies and diet textures are effective at preventing it.
Dysphagia is over-diagnosed by 70% at the bedside. Cut down on over-use of thickened liquids by visualizing normal swallowing and tracking improvement with repeated FEES over time.
FEES helps decrease patient dependence on feeding tubes by giving you the visual support to confidently upgrade diets.
We can see patients in their own environment, eating their typical foods. More about dysphagia >>
Servicing Area
Serving Northern Wyoming:
Sheridan, Big Horn, Buffalo,
The Big Horn Basin, Casper.
And Billings, Montana
We are located in Sheridan, WY

Types of Facilities
Our mobile capabilities allow us to provide FEES directly to your facility, including:
hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, long-term care facilities, outpatient SLP and physician clinics (e.g. ENT, speech-therapy, pediatrics), rehabilitation clinics, and home health companies.